Welcome to the Yay!

I am The Lisa Clapper

🎤 Yay poet
💡Brand strategist
📖 Storyteller
📚 #BestSellingAuthor

Call me in to write you up and lift you up

  • Workshops and brainstorms to find and express your Yay by channeling the power of poetry and belonging

  • Yayful poetry that raises the vibes at your event, conference, offsite, onsite, all-hands, retreat, class, circle. Includes performance poetry and takeaway poems.

  • Yay ups and write ups that clarify and elevate your Stories — all the abouts, get clear and high with bios with lots of oh-my-oh

  • Brand storytelling and brand strategy - tell your story, dive deep , connect to your audiences

  • Co-creation, sparkalation, and ripple effects - also comes along with any of the above

#FeelYourYay in 15-minutes with me.

Participative. Present.
Reflective. Relational.
Flowful. Energizing.